Okay so I have prolonged this post far too long haha! So here it is....
So we got into our labor and delivery room and prepped to start the induction. The nurse blew 2 of my veins trying to put my IV in and had to call another to come in and try. He blew one vein before finally finding a taker....I was abused but found it humorous, after all I was just happy we were finally starting something. We finally saw my doctor a little after noon, he checked me and I WAS STILL ONLY 3 cm (3.5 to be exact) and had increased to 90 percent effacement, station (babies head position) was a -1 or in other words he was just above the crowning point; so he was pretty low. We broke my water at 1:54 and waited. They started my pitocin with a dose of only 2 ml, the nurse who had blown my veins had told me before we started pitocin that I was having regular contractions 5 min apart; I thought it funny and told her I was not noticing any of it, because I wasn't I only felt hardening here and there and without any pain.
The nurse that blew my veins with the IV, switched with a different nurse and she stayed the duration of the labor and delivery. This nurse is the one that started my pitocin and she only gave me that one dose. My body decided it wanted to dilate itself. The only thing I feel that the pitocin did for me was make my contractions more painful. An hour after starting my labor with breaking the waters, I was checked and I had reached full effacement and was dilated to a 4. My labor pains were in the front with this one, but gradually started turning into back labor and started hurting worse and worse with each contraction getting closer and closer together. I held out on getting an epidural for as long as I could because I really wanted to experience a non medicated birth again. Given my labor with Graison was really fast, I still felt pain and had no time for the epidural I wanted and having him un-medicated was way better than I had imagined. I ended up having an internal argument with myself on the idea of the epidural. I asked the nurse to check me again, this was about 40 minutes after having been checked previously. The nurse granted my wish and checked me again, I had dilated to about 6 cm. So I decided on getting an epidural before it was too late and as a precaution for more intense contractions. The pain was still tolerable to me but I wanted that insurance of relief in case they became unbearable. This was around 4:30 pm and my epidural started kicking in around 4:45.
I felt amazing after my epidural kicked in!! I was no longer feeling down about getting it and only looked forward to being able to experience the birth of my baby differently than that of Graison's. By the time 5:30 rolled around the nurse checked me again because my contractions were becoming really close and I had started to feel some pressure. When she checked me she commented "I see some hair" and proceeded to tell me I was between 8 and 8.5 cm dilated. She got her phone out and called my doctor out of his meeting and told him we were going to start some practice pushes as he made his trek to my delivery room. We started the push process and in between pushes I was appreciative about my decision of the epidural as I was able to focus on my job and all I needed to do to get this baby here. Sheyden was very encouraging and supportive and I was and am so thrilled he was able to be there with me. I could not imagine how hard it would be not having your rock be there for you and Sheyden is my rock. My doctor finally got there, within 10 minutes, and more pushes began. I don't want to get too graphic but will share that I noticed when I re tore the spot I tore when having Graison, because I noticed the change in pressure and shortly after I heard my doctor quietly say "Oh Shoot". I don't remember if Sheyden said he heard Dr. Zwiesler say that or not but Sheyden had a different experience with this baby than with Graison as well.
Sheyden ended up needing a chair to sit in shortly after seeing baby's face, as he continued to support me. Cowen Brooks Turner was born at 6:14 pm and weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces measuring 19.5 inches long. With Graison, I only got to see him for a few seconds in which a photo was quickly snapped and then if he and Sheyden went with nurses and doctors up to the NICU. This time with Cowen I was able to cherish the moment of bonding by being able to hold him immediately after birth and just stare at him with Sheyden. I am so grateful to have had that experience and I'll never forget it.
Monday December 1, 2014, Sheyden and I woke up at 5 am so that we would be ready to undergo our induction at 7 am meaning we had to be at the hospital at 6:45 am for check in. As we were waiting for Graison's sitter and getting ready to leave the house (temporary lodging on Fairchild AFB) I got a phone call from the hospital CANCELING my induction!!! I handled it as cool as I could, and the person on the other end sounded as though he was anticipating a huge blow out. I did have some irritation in my tone, but who wouldn't especially over something as important as the day we were having our baby. They told me they would call back by 9 am to reschedule the induction. The reason I was cancelled is because everyone and their dog had been going into labor since the night before.
So 9 am rolls around and I had been trying to get some rest in as Sheyden and I could not fall asleep again and Graison luckily was able to sleep in a little longer than anticipated but he was on edge as well. I ended up calling my doctors office and asking who I needed to talk to about the rescheduling of our induction....they transferred me to a voice mail system. I was a ball pf stress!! Not only had I been having anxiety about Graison's sitter situation the weekend of having our baby, but now I had to deal with the possibility of not being able to get our day in where Sheyden would be there for the birth. Thankfully Heavenly Father was watching out for us and had a plan. The charge nurse called me back around 10:15 or 10:20 and told me I "might" be able to get in by noon, then after getting off the phone called me back about ten minutes later telling me to come in at 11 for sure for our induction. That left us little time to work with in letting the sitter know what the situation was and also getting our exhausted selves ready and out the door. The only thing I ate was part of Graisons apples and peanut butter snack. Yes, I did eat a breakfast but I should have fit in some more food at some point, but hey I was tired and stressing out!
We finally got to the hospital and checked in at 11:08, ten minutes after the time we were supposed to be there and it was all traffic and parking's fault! Once we got there, I ended up feeling a little irritated because one of the nurses commented on how many inductions were happening that day and all I could think of was WHY did my morning get cancelled then and WAS THERE REALLY even enough pregnant ladies naturally going into labor or was someone lying and pushing back a morning induction or two. I ended up getting over myself because we were finally there and finally about to get started in the end part of our journey. [pictures of my belly just before heading to the hospital].
So 9 am rolls around and I had been trying to get some rest in as Sheyden and I could not fall asleep again and Graison luckily was able to sleep in a little longer than anticipated but he was on edge as well. I ended up calling my doctors office and asking who I needed to talk to about the rescheduling of our induction....they transferred me to a voice mail system. I was a ball pf stress!! Not only had I been having anxiety about Graison's sitter situation the weekend of having our baby, but now I had to deal with the possibility of not being able to get our day in where Sheyden would be there for the birth. Thankfully Heavenly Father was watching out for us and had a plan. The charge nurse called me back around 10:15 or 10:20 and told me I "might" be able to get in by noon, then after getting off the phone called me back about ten minutes later telling me to come in at 11 for sure for our induction. That left us little time to work with in letting the sitter know what the situation was and also getting our exhausted selves ready and out the door. The only thing I ate was part of Graisons apples and peanut butter snack. Yes, I did eat a breakfast but I should have fit in some more food at some point, but hey I was tired and stressing out!
We finally got to the hospital and checked in at 11:08, ten minutes after the time we were supposed to be there and it was all traffic and parking's fault! Once we got there, I ended up feeling a little irritated because one of the nurses commented on how many inductions were happening that day and all I could think of was WHY did my morning get cancelled then and WAS THERE REALLY even enough pregnant ladies naturally going into labor or was someone lying and pushing back a morning induction or two. I ended up getting over myself because we were finally there and finally about to get started in the end part of our journey. [pictures of my belly just before heading to the hospital].
The nurse that blew my veins with the IV, switched with a different nurse and she stayed the duration of the labor and delivery. This nurse is the one that started my pitocin and she only gave me that one dose. My body decided it wanted to dilate itself. The only thing I feel that the pitocin did for me was make my contractions more painful. An hour after starting my labor with breaking the waters, I was checked and I had reached full effacement and was dilated to a 4. My labor pains were in the front with this one, but gradually started turning into back labor and started hurting worse and worse with each contraction getting closer and closer together. I held out on getting an epidural for as long as I could because I really wanted to experience a non medicated birth again. Given my labor with Graison was really fast, I still felt pain and had no time for the epidural I wanted and having him un-medicated was way better than I had imagined. I ended up having an internal argument with myself on the idea of the epidural. I asked the nurse to check me again, this was about 40 minutes after having been checked previously. The nurse granted my wish and checked me again, I had dilated to about 6 cm. So I decided on getting an epidural before it was too late and as a precaution for more intense contractions. The pain was still tolerable to me but I wanted that insurance of relief in case they became unbearable. This was around 4:30 pm and my epidural started kicking in around 4:45.
I felt amazing after my epidural kicked in!! I was no longer feeling down about getting it and only looked forward to being able to experience the birth of my baby differently than that of Graison's. By the time 5:30 rolled around the nurse checked me again because my contractions were becoming really close and I had started to feel some pressure. When she checked me she commented "I see some hair" and proceeded to tell me I was between 8 and 8.5 cm dilated. She got her phone out and called my doctor out of his meeting and told him we were going to start some practice pushes as he made his trek to my delivery room. We started the push process and in between pushes I was appreciative about my decision of the epidural as I was able to focus on my job and all I needed to do to get this baby here. Sheyden was very encouraging and supportive and I was and am so thrilled he was able to be there with me. I could not imagine how hard it would be not having your rock be there for you and Sheyden is my rock. My doctor finally got there, within 10 minutes, and more pushes began. I don't want to get too graphic but will share that I noticed when I re tore the spot I tore when having Graison, because I noticed the change in pressure and shortly after I heard my doctor quietly say "Oh Shoot". I don't remember if Sheyden said he heard Dr. Zwiesler say that or not but Sheyden had a different experience with this baby than with Graison as well.
Sheyden ended up needing a chair to sit in shortly after seeing baby's face, as he continued to support me. Cowen Brooks Turner was born at 6:14 pm and weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces measuring 19.5 inches long. With Graison, I only got to see him for a few seconds in which a photo was quickly snapped and then if he and Sheyden went with nurses and doctors up to the NICU. This time with Cowen I was able to cherish the moment of bonding by being able to hold him immediately after birth and just stare at him with Sheyden. I am so grateful to have had that experience and I'll never forget it.
Both of my babies I have been able to cherish precious moments with them in the hospital. Whether it was somewhat stressfull or as chill as can be, I have been given such great blessings from our Heavenly Father and I am so honored to be able to cherish and experience being a mother, especially with my rock (Sheyden) by my side. As Cowen and I go through the trial of being separated from Graison and Sheyden, they are going through it too and I thank our lucky stars that we have the technology we do today to be able to speak with and look at them through programs like Skype. It makes me appreciate those who lived through the times where even "snail mail" took forever to make it to their loved ones even more than I already do. I know our Heavenly Father has a plan set for us and that we are living it out and will be together as a whole soon. For now I have to be a rock for Cowen and Sheyden a rock for Graison, without eachother, family, faith, and especially love I don't know where we would be. I thankful for all I have been given and for all I have to share with others. I'm so ecstatic to see what Cowen has to offer us as he grows and so excited to see the bond between brothers in my sons!
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