Thursday, June 19, 2014

15 weeks 5 days

Not too much to say about week 15.  I feel great, although being tired still is an everyday thing.  I go back and forth from starving Ethiopian child to eating like I regularly do.  I also don't know for sure or not if I have been feeling the baby.  If I have it's very tiny little movements that I feel, it's very hard when they're still little like now to be able to perceive which is gas and which is baby.  They're sooo similar. 

I have just been putting my focus on my little Graison this week.  He has a minor double ear infection and had been having fevers with a nasty cough, so mommy and daddy have been taking care of him.

Gestation: 15 weeks 5 days 

Size:  4.5 inches (navel orange)

Weight: 2-3 ounces

Focus:  ears moving to the side of the head, eyes moving to the front if the head.  Wiggle fingers and toes, making breathing movements.  Have been able to pee and swallow liquid for a few weeks now. 

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