Baby Stats
Weight: 3-5 ounces
Size: 4-5 inches or equivalent to an Avacado
Working On: Listening to mommy and daddy, Big Brother talk or sing, gaining strength in muscles (especially the back) so baby can straighten out a little, making facial expressions such as frowns and squints and moving eyes around side to side and up and down although eyelids are still sealed shut.
Mommy's Update
This week we started off with Graisons allergic reaction to Amoxicillin like daddy, good thing he is not anaphylalactic though. Wednesday was my doctors appointment and we started my shots of Progesterone. It wasn't too bad, burned a little bit, and my hip is still a tad bit sore but other than that pretty good. Next week we get it again and again until November 8th, but they are teaching us how to administer my shot in a case where we are visiting family. My weight is back up to 122 lbs, my doctor doesn't seemed concerned about it, but I started at 120 dropped to 116 and now I'm back to 122. It must be my metabolism, because I eat a TON and feel hungry all the time.
Not a whole lot has been happening as far as my symptoms are concerned, aside from that hunger and the need to pee. I do get nauseous on occasion and I only puke if something triggers it; For example the smell of the trash can. I get snippy occasionally but it is never directed towards Sheyden or Graison, just towards objects that get under my skin, such as my stupid neighbors dog. Sorry PETA and anyone that does fundraisers for animal hatred, but I have NEVER wanted to kill an animal so badly.
Its mainly the disinterest of our neighbors and the lack of care for their neighbors. They sit in a triangle position of two other families besides us that ALL hate this occurrence. This yappy dog needs a shock collar, as it barks constantly all day and night and the kicker is they let this dog out anytime someone else is out in their yards or their dogs are out, and I even hear this dog at 4:30 AM, when Sheyden starts to get ready for work. You only ever see these neighbors outside when other people are outside and they like to stare at what you do too. IT REALLY BUGS ME!!
ASIDE from that, I felt the baby FOR SURE late last night as I could not sleep, so I sat trying to relax and felt some movement!! I was going to wake Sheyden but there will be more movement that he can feel in the future and he needs his rest for work. Other than all of that, we are just flying through the weeks and I catch myself wondering if there'll be some kind of break where it will start to feel slow. Hope we can get to our due date this time and these shots work!
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