Tuesday, July 8, 2014

18 Weeks

First off I'm starting by saying how much I love this app I found for my iphone pics!! It's called Rookie and I love it!  That is what I used for this weeks photos! 

I skipped week 17 because it was 4th of July and not a lot really went on.  But this week so far has been fun and I am now definitely showing in the mornings too!  So all day long I have a bump that still likes to grow in size by the end of the day!  My boobs still hurt like crazy and I pee a lot!  Still eat like a horse and have been constantly thinking about my granny's homemade bread and strawberry jam...so much so that I've been thinking about visiting the strawberry patch here in Spokane and teaching Graison to pick some so I can make some jam and homemade bread!  

I have been feeling a lot of baby the last week and more noticeably the last few days! The baby likes to do quick crazy movements that catch your attention and make you put your hands on your tummy to feel it, only to tease you and stop until you take your hand off.  There's been a few moments where the baby will continue kicking while a hand is on there. Sheyden has got to feel it two times now! I'm happy he noticed it this early in this pregnancy because with Graison he only really felt him when we were further and the kicks were harder.  I definitely notice the kicks during the day now but it's only when I am sitting still. Loves to kick while were in the car and before bed too!

I've been working on my registry and will do it more after we find out the gender.  We are going to have it put into an envelope and reveal it when we visit family in a few weeks. It's going to be a little tricky since we're visiting both Sheydens and my family since they live in two different cities.  My mom hopefully will make the reveal to Sheydens family.  I'm thinking of just sharing the envelope with my dad and Barb and having them not tell us so the surprise isn't spoiled for the second reaveal but it honestly hasn't been figured out yet, HAHA!  I just want the reactions to be similar from Sheyden and I as well as family. 

Here are this weeks pics, I did the stats differently too!  I'm going to try starting my pics weekly now instead of biweekly! 

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