Tuesday, August 5, 2014

22 Weeks 3 days

We are at 22 weeks pregnant and going strong.  I feel so full of baby these days and normally by the end of the day I am stuck on the couch ready to go to bed.  Graison has been doing so well with sleeping through the night.  He usually wakes up once and is able to get himself back to sleep within a minute or two.  I hear this because I either sleep uncomfortably or am peeing constantly haha.  Symptoms of pregnancy are just urination and the bump popping along with the exhaustion, the heat does not help with any of that.

T squared is about 1 pound right now and is about 8 inches in length.   We have about 17 weeks left to our due date of December 6th, however I just have a strong feeling we wont make it to that 40 week mark.  I feel we will finish my series of progesterone shots through week 36 and I am mentally preparing myself and home for the arrival of baby anywhere from November 15th up to our due date.  I feel like preparing myself mentally for a baby around that time (37 weeks is full term) will help with the shock of not making that due date, if that so happens.  But I am not God and I have no idea what the plan is for when my newest little boy will come so I am accepting and preparing for anything.  I even have the going home outfits for the two boys picked out and ready to go, lets hope Graison doesn't do anymore growing until he's closer to 3 so he can fit into those 24 month sizes (which are still semi baggy on him).
This picture of fabric rolls is what I will be using plus some black and whites to make T-squared a nice quilt from his mommy.  If there's enough to go around I will attempt a second one for Graison in a different pattern and maybe some pillow cases, but we shall see.  I still need to find a perfect quilt backing for it all!
And then there is this picture of me and my crazy beautiful face!!  I am going to have a HELL OF A TIME figuring out a name for Tsquared!!  Graison's name was already a tough one as it is.  Sheyden is really picky and doesn't want to repeat any names of people we know, so therefore the name has got to be unique.  

SOOOOO...if anyone would like to contribute to the list of names for this little boy...PLEASE feel free to message me your ideas on Facebook.  The one thing we are warning everyone is that the name WILL NOT BE REVEALED until after this little boy gets here and we have rested.  There will be a post that says baby is on his way and also a quick introductory photo for everyone's enjoyment on Facebook.  So when all is said and done and we are good and ready the name will be released, haha.  I love the fun I can create when people are excited and anxiously awaiting updates and news!!  I only do it cause I love ya!!  PS We move into a new house this week, FINALLY back on base!!

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