Today was our 30 week check up! Everything is going well. We had an ultrasound on Monday and baby is head down and weigh 3lbs 1oz. Our doctor said he's on the smaller scale but looking perfectly normal and going his own pace. His heart rate is steady at 130/131 bpm. The ultrasound lady was saying something about a short cervix and I wanted to wait until my doctor talked to us about that. It's at 3cm and is absolutely measuring as it should.
The hardening I have been feeling are contractions but if they aren't happening every 10 minutes or more than six in an hour I am good to go. I have 5 shots left, I stop those at 36 weeks! We also talked about inducing at 39 weeks, if I make it that far, so that Sheyden can for sure be there for our baby's arrival. Obviously he will be there if we have him a little early, but as I keep saying we hope to make it through to the last shot.
I am weighing 136.4lbs, started at 120 dropped to 114 and then started to pack on the pounds so I've gained a good 22 from that little drop.
I have been exhausted, but every once in a while I have a teeny little spurt of energy. Sleeping is becoming extremely difficult as far as finding a position that I feel most comfortable in, but I manage.
Not much else is going on other than the figuring out what our next step is for the move and if we get to keep it. Working on the appeal and making our plan for after I have the baby and what I am doing for the time after discharge and time I have to fly (if that is what is happening for sure). We will get it figured out and I will keep people updated on our family blog!
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