This week feels just the same as others so far for this pregnancy. Although I have realized that it's going by fast, Saturday marks my 34th week and Monday marks the exact length in pregnancy I was when I had Graison. It's the first milestone I wish to reach for this pregnancy and I'm curious, very curious, as to what will transpire next week or what may not transpire.
As far as I know and can feel, the baby is doing well. I have 3 shots left to get and I get a OB check up on the 31st. I really hope my doctors plan is to start checking me for dilation and if not I'm going to ask because I want to know.
I've got the baby's section of the hospital "GO" bag ready, now just for myself and Sheyden, and whatever we do about Graison haha. On Saturday I've got 6 weeks until our due date but again I'm sure this baby will be here within the week of Thanksgiving or after for sure. Just so Sheyden won't miss the baby coming. We are still waiting on his orders to finalize too, it's stressful and Sheyden definitely is handling that load for us. I'm more than likely being split from Graison on top of Sheyden and we're just waiting to hear if that's the only option, were preparing for everything and anything at this point in the game. Obviously, as always, I will keep everyone updated.
PICTURES! Took them with my own dslr and edited myself, pretty proud of myself.
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